The local mission departments serve the members of the local church and the community.
To reach out to any of our directors, get in touch with us.
Ps. Karlson Samuel |
Personal Ministries, Community Services & Sabbath SchoolPersonal Ministries' primary focus is evangelism. Its goal is to help prepare men and women for the kingdom of glory. The Personal Ministries Department works closely with the other departments to assist in their evangelistic efforts The purpose of the Sabbath School is to make disciples for Christ. It includes the nurture of spiritual growth in members and prospective members, as well as the unchurched who join in the fellowship, study, sharing and service. Publishing DepartmentThe Publishing Ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church exists to proclaim through the media the gospel of hope to the whole world in this generation. This department is responsible for the work of the Adventist Book Center and Literature Evangelists. |
Ps. Ian Williams |
ADRA DepartmentThe Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization that aims to serve humanity so that individuals, families, and communities can thrive and live full and dignified lives. ADRA works to achieve this mission by providing development and emergency relief assistance in more than 130 countries, regardless of race, gender, or religious affiliation. ADRA's programs and initiatives focus on various areas such as education, health, economic development, emergency management, and more. Through these efforts, ADRA seeks to empower individuals and communities to become self-sufficient and resilient, to overcome poverty, and to live with hope, dignity, and purpose. |
Sis. Veronica Ambrose |
Women & Children MinistriesThe Women's Ministries Department principal objective is in the larger sense common to all Christians—that of uplifting Christ in the church and in the world. But specifically, we are called to, elevate women as persons of inestimable worth because they have been created and redeemed. The Children’s Ministries Department provide multiple ministries that develops children to become citizens of the kingdom of God by providing religious education to children. The department also strives to provide age-appropriate programs and activities that engage children in learning about God's love and His plan for their lives. Through these programs, children can develop their talents and gifts, build relationships with their peers, and experience the joy of serving others. |
Ps. Chan Nichols |
CommunicationsThe office of Communication's primary purpose is to effectively communicate all relevant church information to members of the Adventists church and the public at large. Since communication of the gospel is the responsibility of the entire Church, this department is involved in all the programmes of the Church and serves all the departments with the skills it possesses. Within the communication department there is a strong team of volunteers who formed a media team using their skills, talents and passion for the advancement of the gospel. |
Eld. Morrie Hercules |
EducationThe Education Department governs and provides administration and direction for educational institutions within the conference. The primary aim of Seventh-day Adventist education is to provide opportunity for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to all the world.
Ps. Henry Snagg |
Family Life & Men's MinistriesThe Family Life Ministries works to develop resources, coordinate and promote training events, and provide networking opportunities for those who work on behalf of the family in our conference. It provides resources that assist church leadership in assessing the needs of church members for family life education, enrichment, and counseling. Men's Ministries provides support for men striving to become better fathers,husbands and leaders in our church through uniting them together in fellowship, service, prayer and most importantly Bible study. |
Ps. Aldon Ambrose |
PARL, Ministerial & Spirit of ProphecyThe Public Affairs and Religious Liberty promotes and maintains religious liberty, with particular emphasis upon liberty of conscience. The department actively supports the rights of new and existing Seventh-day Adventists believers to express their religion without hindrance as governed by the laws of our country The Ministerial Secretary's office is to equip pastors and those involved in ministry to achieve their highest personal and professional potential. |
Ps. Shane Franklyn |
StewardshipThe Stewardship Department's goal is to promote biblical principles of stewardship, which involve recognizing that everything we have belongs to God and that we are merely stewards or managers of these resources. This includes our time, talents, finances, relationships, and the environment. The ministry aims to teach individuals and families how to manage their resources wisely and responsibly, so they can use them to bless others and honor God. This includes promoting faithful tithing, which involves giving one-tenth of our income to support the work of the church and the needs of others.. |
Ps. Brent St. Jean |
Youth Ministries, Health Ministries, Campus Ministries, & Assistant to the President (Evangelism, Training and Conservation)The Youth Ministries of the church works for and through the youth. The primary focus of youth ministry is the salvation of youth through Jesus Christ. This department fosters youth ministry, lead youth to understand their individual worth and to discover and develop their spiritual gifts and abilities and equip and empower them for a life of service to the community. Ps. St. Jean also hold responsibilities for Campus Ministries, Assistant to the President with responsibilities for Evangelism, Training and Conservation THE HEALTH MINISTRIES DEPARTMENT helps men and women reach their full potential, mentally, spiritually and physically. Health Ministry is the gospel of Christ illustrated, the message of God practiced. Without it, the gospel witness is muted; it is merely a theory, an idea. This department coordinates the health education and health promotion drive in the local church. The department also sponsors temperance and health evangelism and other outreach programs. |