Joining our faith

The Adventist church in isles of St.Vincent & the Grenadines

You're never too old to become an Adventist. But the decision should be your own, and you must make it thoughtfully, with an understanding of how it will affect your life.

Getting information

Joining our Church? Find out all you can about what we believe and what we can offer.

The information on this website can help, or you may wish to talk to a minister of a local Adventist church. We can arrange for a local church minister to contact you. Simply email us your contact details. We will respect your privacy.

Initial decision

Remember, only you can make this decision. This is a simple step, but it sets the framework for how to approach the next step.

Further study

Adventists value the study of the Bible. It is an important aspect of our faith because we base all our beliefs on what the Bible teaches.

Making the decision

Jesus Christ accepts all people despite their circumstances. You are never too unworthy to become a Christian. When you believe in Him and allow His teachings and His love to influence you, you will experience a positive transformation in your life.


The concept of baptism is not new. Jesus was baptized to show He was making the choice to serve God, His Father. Baptism involves the physical immersion of your body under the water. Is is a symbol of a new life. The next step is to enjoy your life with Jesus.

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